erfolgreichsten Filme 2019 |
Nr. |
€ |
Film |
1 |
37.515.964 |
Der König der Löwen |
2 |
30.282.559 |
Avengers - Endgame |
3 |
29.671.809 |
Joker |
4 |
19.048.662 |
Die Eiskönigin II |
5 |
15.440.263 |
Aladdin |
15.347.622 |
Il primo Natale |
14.993.461 |
Pinocchio |
8 |
13.242.971 |
Star Wars - Der Aufstieg Skywalkers |
9 |
12.380.511 |
Jumanji - The Next Level |
10 |
12.376.389 |
Maleficent - Mächte der Finsternis |
erfolgreichsten Filme seit 1980 |
Nr. |
Besucher |
Film |
1 |
13.708.208 |
Titanic |
2 |
10.298.000 |
E.T. |
9.702.524 |
Das Leben ist schön |
9.367.977 |
Der Vollposten |
9.172.368 |
Der gezähmte Widerspenstige |
8.807.987 |
Gib dem Affen Zucker |
8.650.871 |
Sole a Catinelle |
8 |
8.640.000 |
Der König der Löwen |
7.956.549 |
Amore more |
7.650.000 |
Das Monster |
erfolgreichsten Filme aller Zeiten |
Nr. |
€ |
Film |
1 |
67.666.319 |
Avatar |
65.365.655 |
Der Vollposten |
51.984.550 |
Sole a Catinelle |
4 |
50.226.914 |
Titanic |
43.475.840 |
Che Bella Giornata |
6 |
37.515.964 |
Der König der Löwen |
31.231.984 |
Das Leben ist schön |
8 |
30.397.548 |
Alice im Wunderland |
9 |
30.282.559 |
Avengers 4 |
29.873.491 |
Willkommen im Süden |
besten Starts aller Zeiten |
Nr. |
€ |
Film |
22.248.121 |
Der Vollposten |
18.606.811 |
Sole a Catinelle |
3 |
12.126.487 |
Avengers 4 |
11.823.120 |
Che Bella Giornata |
5 |
10.961.043 |
Der König der Löwen |
9.853.084 |
Benvenuti Al Nord |
7 |
9.651.703 |
Avatar |
8 |
8.492.042 |
Fifty Shades of Grey |
9 |
8.283.267 |
Breaking Dawn 2 |
10 |
8.155.336 |
Alice im Wunderland |
Nr. 1 |
Nr. 2 |
Nr. 3 |
Nr. 4 |
Nr. 5 |
Nr. 6 |
Nr. 7 |
Nr. 8 |
Nr. 9 |
Nr. 10 |
erfolgreichsten Filme des I. Quartals 2019 |
Nr. |
€ |
Film |
1 |
11.212.272 |
Dumbo |
2 |
10.851.694 |
Chaos im Netz |
3 |
10.766.743 |
Aquaman |
4 |
10.244.047 |
Captain Marvel |
5 |
10.101.475 |
Green Book - Eine besondere Freundschaft |
7.471.228 |
10 giorni senza mamma |
7 |
7.252.073 |
Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht 3 |
8 |
7.218.029 |
Creed II - Rocky's Legacy |
9 |
6.455.128 |
The Mule |
10 |
5.673.605 |
Mia und der weiße Löwe |
erfolgreichsten Filme des II. Quartals 2019 |
Nr. |
€ |
Film |
1 |
30.282.559 |
Avengers - Endgame |
2 |
15.440.263 |
Aladdin |
3 |
6.295.951 |
After Passion |
4 |
6.319.887 |
A Toy Story - Alles hört auf kein Kommando |
5 |
5.168.649 |
Pokémon - Meisterdetektiv Pikachu |
4.997.473 |
Ma cosa ci dice il cervello |
4.689.823 |
Il traditore |
8 |
3.700.456 |
Pets 2 |
9 |
3.678.973 |
Shazam! |
10 |
3.205.713 |
Leid und Herrlichkeit |
erfolgreichsten Filme des III. Quartals 2019 |
Nr. |
€ |
Film |
1 |
37.515.964 |
Der König der Löwen |
2 |
11.976.283 |
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood |
3 |
11.768.785 |
Spider-Man - Far From Home |
4 |
9.479.605 |
Es - Kapitel 2 |
5 |
6.399.618 |
Fast & Furious - Hobbs & Shaw |
6 |
3.440.285 |
Annabelle 3 |
7 |
2.981.273 |
Angel Has Fallen |
8 |
2.792.063 |
Men in Black - International |
2.232.912 |
Mio fratello rincorre i dinosauri |
10 |
1.701.190 |
Ad Astra - Zu den Sternen |
erfolgreichsten Filme des IV. Quartals 2019 |
Nr. |
€ |
Film |
1 |
29.671.809 |
Joker |
2 |
19.048.662 |
Die Eiskönigin II |
15.347.622 |
Il primo Natale |
14.993.461 |
Pinocchio |
5 |
13.242.971 |
Star Wars - Der Aufstieg Skywalkers |
6 |
12.380.511 |
Jumanji - The Next Level |
7 |
12.376.389 |
Maleficent - Mächte der Finsternis |
8.258.416 |
La Dea Fortuna |
9 |
6.486.740 |
Die Addams Family |
6.384.885 |
Il giorno più bello del mondo |
1: 4.1.2019 - 6.1.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
4.000.639 |
--- |
6.781.987 |
1 |
Chaos im Netz |
2 |
3.706.058 |
--- |
6.237.840 |
1 |
Aquaman |
3 |
1.947.482 |
-29 |
6.803.632 |
2 |
La befana vien di notte |
4 |
1.249.419 |
-35 |
23.351.240 |
6 |
Bohemian Rhapsody |
5 |
1.241.902 |
-26 |
4.276.706 |
2 |
Moschettieri del Re |
6 |
1.241.021 |
--- |
1.242.241 |
1 |
Van Gogh |
7 |
968.699 |
-70 |
11.605.717 |
3 |
Mary Poppins 2 |
8 |
645.389 |
--- |
645.389 |
1 |
Vice |
9 |
516.334 |
-71 |
8.053.186 |
3 |
Amici come Prima |
10 |
421.215 |
--- |
671.549 |
1 |
Suspiria |
15.938.158 |
+11 |
15.938.158 |
1 |
14: 5.4.2019 - 7.4.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
2.934.343 |
-12 |
7.468.927 |
2 |
Dumbo |
2 |
1.661.724 |
--- |
1.872.086 |
1 |
Shazam! |
3 |
919.770 |
-13 |
4.012.646 |
3 |
3 Schritte zu Dir |
4 |
631.530 |
--- |
631.530 |
1 |
Wir |
5 |
522.409 |
--- |
522.409 |
1 |
Book Club |
6 |
413.628 |
-35 |
1.247.061 |
2 |
Bentornato Presidente! |
7 |
310.374 |
--- |
310.645 |
1 |
Yao |
8 |
196.117 |
-32 |
1.108.170 |
3 |
The Professor and the Madman |
9 |
192.628 |
-43 |
9.981.964 |
5 |
Captain Marvel |
10 |
157.900 |
--- |
157.900 |
1 |
Dolceroma |
7.940.423 |
+19 |
121.444.037 |
14 |
27: 5.7.2019 - 7.7.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
1.046.801 |
--- |
1.466.596 |
1 |
Annabelle 3 |
2 |
922.046 |
-42 |
3.652.320 |
2 |
Toy Story 4 |
3 |
296.978 |
+ |
30.043.573 |
11 |
Avengers 4 |
4 |
177.028 |
--- |
177.028 |
1 |
Restiamo amici |
5 |
145.589 |
-38 |
489.075 |
2 |
The White Crow |
6 |
128.520 |
-51 |
1.216.058 |
3 |
The Professor |
7 |
110.564 |
-36 |
3.293.077 |
5 |
Pets 2 |
8 |
105.778 |
-39 |
14.989.091 |
7 |
Aladdin |
9 |
98.877 |
--- |
98.877 |
1 |
Escape Plan 3 |
10 |
78.556 |
--- |
78.556 |
1 |
Patrick |
3.110.737 |
+4 |
201.795.756 |
27 |
Wochenende 40: 4.10.2019 - 6.10.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
6.263.907 |
--- |
6.263.907 |
1 |
Joker |
2 |
911.249 |
-58 |
10.563.262 |
3 |
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood |
3 |
778.387 |
--- |
778.387 |
1 |
Everest |
4 |
411.473 |
-50 |
1.463.452 |
2 |
Ad Astra |
5 |
376.298 |
--- |
376.298 |
1 |
Tuttapposto |
6 |
317.292 |
-56 |
1.281.383 |
2 |
Rambo V |
7 |
288.660 |
--- |
323.782 |
1 |
Io, Leonardo |
8 |
233.436 |
-44 |
719.815 |
2 |
Dora & die goldene Stadt |
9 |
194.206 |
-59 |
811.247 |
2 |
Yesterday |
10 |
149.440 |
--- |
149.440 |
1 |
Appena un minuto |
9.924.348 |
+69 |
281.638.647 |
40 |
Wochenende 2: 11.1.2019 - 13.1.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
1.991.216 |
--- |
1.991.216 |
1 |
Non ci resta che il crimine |
2 |
1.835.876 |
-50 |
8.841.622 |
2 |
Aquaman |
3 |
1.730.410 |
-57 |
8.968.500 |
2 |
Chaos im Netz |
4 |
1.235.302 |
-1 |
25.074.852 |
7 |
Bohemian Rhapsody |
5 |
1.001.504 |
-19 |
2.596.745 |
2 |
Van Gogh |
6 |
724.556 |
--- |
724.556 |
1 |
City of Lies |
7 |
500.265 |
-74 |
7.563.537 |
3 |
La befana vien di notte |
8 |
403.347 |
-68 |
4.898.975 |
3 |
Moschettieri del Re |
9 |
396.596 |
--- |
396.596 |
1 |
Attenti al gorilla |
10 |
377.427 |
-42 |
1.199.484 |
2 |
Vice |
10.196.499 |
-36 |
26.134.657 |
2 |
Wochenende 15: 12.4.2019 - 14.4.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
3.287.664 |
--- |
3.287.664 |
1 |
After Passion |
2 |
1.374.316 |
-53 |
9.338.845 |
3 |
Dumbo |
3 |
830.259 |
-50 |
2.980.043 |
2 |
Shazam! |
4 |
765.454 |
--- |
765.454 |
1 |
Hellboy |
5 |
719.806 |
--- |
726.613 |
1 |
Willkommen im Wunder Park |
6 |
442.117 |
-52 |
4.618.118 |
4 |
3 Schritte zu Dir |
7 |
323.105 |
-38 |
1.009.115 |
2 |
Book Club |
8 |
319.224 |
-49 |
1.117.458 |
2 |
Wir |
9 |
279.669 |
--- |
280.806 |
1 |
Kapernaum |
10 |
183.704 |
-41 |
554.294 |
2 |
Yao |
8.525.318 |
+7 |
129.969.355 |
15 |
Wochenende 28: 12.7.2019 - 14.7.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
3.795.533 |
--- |
5.283.181 |
1 |
Spider-Man 2 |
2 |
534.920 |
-49 |
2.537.317 |
2 |
Annabelle 3 |
3 |
499.082 |
-46 |
4.586.209 |
3 |
Toy Story 4 |
4 |
161.084 |
--- |
161.084 |
1 |
Domino |
5 |
75.023 |
-32 |
3.414.004 |
6 |
Pets 2 |
6 |
67.188 |
-36 |
15.1211.568 |
8 |
Aladdin |
7 |
64.887 |
-55 |
612.989 |
3 |
The White Crow |
8 |
62.629 |
-51 |
1.334.995 |
4 |
The Professor |
9 |
62.233 |
-65 |
326.829 |
2 |
Restiamo amici |
10 |
56.459 |
--- |
56.459 |
1 |
Welcome Home |
5.379.038 |
+73 |
207.174.794 |
28 |
Wochenende 41: 11.10.2019 - 13.10.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
6.047.348 |
-3 |
15.511.395 |
2 |
Joker |
2 |
959.439 |
--- |
959.439 |
1 |
Gemini Man |
3 |
490.041 |
-37 |
1.386.968 |
2 |
Everest |
4 |
444.904 |
-51 |
11.285.113 |
4 |
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood |
5 |
319.766 |
--- |
319.766 |
1 |
Brave Ragazze |
6 |
306.361 |
--- |
306.361 |
1 |
Long Shot |
7 |
224.338 |
--- |
224.338 |
1 |
The Hole in the Ground |
8 |
215.861 |
--- |
218.242 |
1 |
La vérité |
9 |
166.627 |
-56 |
658.110 |
2 |
Tuttapposto |
10 |
160.218 |
--- |
160.218 |
1 |
Mission Panda |
9.334.903 |
-6 |
290.973.250 |
41 |
Wochenende 3: 18.1.2019 - 20.1.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
1.929.891 |
--- |
1.929.891 |
1 |
Mia und der weiße Löwe |
2 |
1.843.530 |
--- |
1.843.530 |
1 |
Glass |
3 |
1.241.942 |
-38 |
3.654.643 |
2 |
Non ci resta che il crimine |
4 |
964.847 |
-22 |
26.426.241 |
8 |
Bohemian Rhapsody |
5 |
893.222 |
--- |
893.222 |
1 |
L'agenzia dei bugiardi |
6 |
864.558 |
-53 |
10.099.239 |
3 |
Aquaman |
7 |
844.406 |
-51 |
10.072.319 |
3 |
Chaos im Netz |
8 |
767.129 |
--- |
767.129 |
1 |
Maria Stuart |
9 |
558.942 |
-44 |
3.414.936 |
3 |
Van Gogh |
10 |
338.418 |
-53 |
1.258.225 |
2 |
City of Lies |
10.246.885 |
+0 |
36.381.542 |
3 |
Wochenende 16: 19.4.2019 - 21.4.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
1.119.696 |
--- |
1.119.931 |
1 |
Ma cosa ci dice il cervello |
2 |
974.672 |
-70 |
5.198.152 |
2 |
After Passion |
3 |
607.818 |
--- |
748.747 |
1 |
Lloronas Fluch |
4 |
408.798 |
-70 |
9.989.220 |
4 |
Dumbo |
5 |
298.090 |
--- |
298.090 |
1 |
Il campione |
6 |
277.231 |
-67 |
3.396.331 |
3 |
Shazam! |
7 |
261.997 |
-66 |
1.197.672 |
2 |
Hellboy |
8 |
176.913 |
-75 |
985.585 |
2 |
Willkommen im Wunder Park |
9 |
143.793 |
-49 |
489.826 |
2 |
Kapernaum |
10 |
127.826 |
--- |
127.826 |
1 |
Terra Willy |
4.396.834 |
-48 |
134.366.189 |
16 |
Wochenende 29: 19.7.2019 - 21.7.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
1.485.130 |
-61 |
8.423.322 |
2 |
Spider-Man 2 |
2 |
388.747 |
--- |
389.189 |
1 |
Im Netz der Versuchung |
3 |
384.233 |
--- |
385.704 |
1 |
The Current War |
4 |
258.274 |
-48 |
5.114.388 |
4 |
Toy Story 4 |
5 |
231.470 |
-57 |
3.045.153 |
3 |
Annabelle 3 |
6 |
86.541 |
--- |
86.541 |
1 |
Cats & Peachtopia |
7 |
65.753 |
-70 |
300.160 |
2 |
Domino |
8 |
46.373 |
-31 |
15.204.220 |
9 |
Aladdin |
9 |
41.307 |
-45 |
3.498.644 |
7 |
Pets 2 |
10 |
33.441 |
-48 |
676.635 |
4 |
The White Crow |
3.021.269 |
-44 |
210.196.063 |
29 |
Wochenende 42: 18.10.2019 - 20.10.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
4.162.897 |
--- |
4.162.897 |
1 |
Maleficent 2 |
2 |
3.665.988 |
-39 |
21.217.674 |
3 |
Joker |
3 |
535.951 |
--- |
535.591 |
1 |
Se mi vuoi bene |
4 |
515.931 |
-46 |
1.764.847 |
2 |
Gemini Man |
5 |
364.876 |
-26 |
1.822.274 |
3 |
Everest |
6 |
213.946 |
-52 |
11.619.640 |
5 |
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood |
7 |
150.879 |
-30 |
420.613 |
2 |
La vérité |
8 |
144.271 |
--- |
144.271 |
1 |
Metallica & San Francisco Symphony |
9 |
124.829 |
--- |
124.829 |
1 |
The Kill Team |
10 |
119.763 |
--- |
119.763 |
1 |
The Informer |
9.999.331 |
+7 |
300.972.581 |
42 |
Wochenende 4: 25.1.2019 - 27.1.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
3.691.844 |
--- |
3.734.041 |
1 |
Creed II |
2 |
1.594.099 |
-17 |
3.867.187 |
2 |
Mia und der weiße Löwe |
3 |
1.062.687 |
--- |
1.062.688 |
1 |
The Favourite |
4 |
865.833 |
-53 |
3.168.545 |
2 |
Glass |
5 |
862.882 |
--- |
862.882 |
1 |
Manhattan Queen |
6 |
643.772 |
--- |
643.772 |
1 |
Compromessi Sposi |
7 |
611.898 |
-37 |
27.448.630 |
9 |
Bohemian Rhapsody |
8 |
481.722 |
-61 |
4.311.565 |
3 |
Non ci resta che il crimine |
9 |
386.153 |
-54 |
10.554.561 |
4 |
Chaos im Netz |
10 |
357.122 |
-60 |
1.445.412 |
2 |
L'agenzia dei bugiardi |
10.558.012 |
+3 |
46.939.554 |
4 |
Wochenende 17: 26.4.2019 - 28.4.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
12.126.487 |
--- |
17.434.195 |
1 |
Avengers 4 |
2 |
1.231.153 |
+10 |
3.439.785 |
2 |
Ma cosa ci dice il cervelle |
3 |
376.774 |
-38 |
1.561.116 |
2 |
Lloronas Fluch |
4 |
368.344 |
-62 |
6.086.441 |
3 |
After Passion |
5 |
357.625 |
-13 |
10.793.844 |
5 |
Dumbo |
6 |
276.121 |
+56 |
1.572.991 |
3 |
Willkommen im Wunder Park |
7 |
266.409 |
+108 |
637.336 |
2 |
Terra Willy |
8 |
257.838 |
-14 |
811.456 |
2 |
Il campione |
9 |
158.246 |
+10 |
781.826 |
3 |
Capernaum |
10 |
100.964 |
--- |
226.039 |
1 |
Les invisibles |
15.519.961 |
+253 |
149.886.150 |
17 |
Wochenende 30: 26.7.2019 - 28.7.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
1.102.681 |
--- |
1.102.681 |
1 |
Men in Black International |
2 |
1.002.162 |
-33 |
10.074.934 |
3 |
Spider-Man 2 |
3 |
373.628 |
-4 |
920.321 |
2 |
Im Netz der Versuchung |
4 |
328.380 |
+27 |
55.65.755 |
5 |
Toy Story 4 |
5 |
218.956 |
-43 |
774.254 |
2 |
The Current War |
6 |
217.752 |
--- |
217.752 |
1 |
Midsommar |
7 |
166.082 |
-28 |
3.320.292 |
4 |
Annabelle 3 |
8 |
140.850 |
+63 |
266.914 |
2 |
Cats & Peachtopia |
9 |
78.636 |
+90 |
3.594.790 |
8 |
Pets 2 |
10 |
51.221 |
+10 |
15.275.562 |
10 |
Aladdin |
3.680.348 |
+22 |
213.876.411 |
30 |
Wochenende 43: 25.10.2019 - 27.10.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
2.448.371 |
-41 |
7.719.579 |
2 |
Maleficent 2 |
2 |
2.019.111 |
-45 |
24.208.052 |
4 |
Joker |
3 |
1.165.472 |
--- |
1.166.316 |
1 |
Downton Abbey |
4 |
763.185 |
--- |
763.185 |
1 |
Tutto il mio folle amore |
5 |
395.163 |
--- |
398.994 |
1 |
One Piece Stampede |
6 |
281.166 |
--- |
281.166 |
1 |
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark |
7 |
265.260 |
--- |
265.260 |
1 |
Dem Horizont so nah |
8 |
243.763 |
--- |
243.866 |
1 |
Ready or Not |
9 |
223.904 |
-57 |
2.100.346 |
3 |
Gemini Man |
10 |
181.682 |
-66 |
815.030 |
2 |
Se mi vuoi bene |
7.987.077 |
-20 |
308.959.658 |
43 |
5: 1.2.2019 - 3.2.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
3.155.578 |
--- |
3.162.145 |
1 |
Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht 3 |
2 |
1.814.950 |
--- |
1.814.950 |
1 |
Green Book |
3 |
1.525.905 |
-59 |
6.109.051 |
2 |
Creed II |
4 |
930.075 |
--- |
930.075 |
1 |
Il primo Re |
5 |
877.713 |
-45 |
5.000.522 |
3 |
Mia und der weiße Löwe |
6 |
695.187 |
--- |
695.187 |
1 |
The Possession of Hannah Grace |
7 |
656.002 |
-38 |
2.005.287 |
2 |
The Favourite |
8 |
621.588 |
-28 |
1.735.221 |
2 |
Manhattan Queen |
9 |
354.375 |
-42 |
27.983.843 |
10 |
Bohemian Rhapsody |
10 |
343.167 |
-60 |
3.724.810 |
3 |
Glass |
10.974.540 |
+4 |
57.914.094 |
5 |
18: 3.5.2019 - 5.5.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
3.925.882 |
-68 |
26.080.440 |
2 |
Avengers 4 |
2 |
845.061 |
--- |
1.080.432 |
1 |
Stan & Ollie |
3 |
608.317 |
-51 |
4.456.931 |
3 |
Ma cosa ci dice il cervelle |
4 |
428.956 |
--- |
584.943 |
1 |
Hotel Mumbai |
5 |
303.606 |
--- |
429.495 |
1 |
Non sono un Assassino |
6 |
254.536 |
--- |
254.536 |
1 |
The Sisters Brothers |
7 |
163.681 |
-41 |
1.800.630 |
4 |
Willkommen im Wunderpark |
8 |
154.963 |
-42 |
854.429 |
3 |
Terra Willie |
9 |
147.750 |
-61 |
1.839.082 |
3 |
Lloronoas Fluch |
10 |
142.994 |
-60 |
11.029.322 |
6 |
Dumbo |
6.975.746 |
-55 |
156.861.896 |
18 |
Wochenende 31: 2.8.2019 - 4.8.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
427.710 |
-61 |
1.857.976 |
2 |
Men in Black International |
2 |
368.809 |
-63 |
10.762.951 |
3 |
Spider-Man 2 |
3 |
243.233 |
--- |
243.233 |
1 |
Hotel Artemis |
4 |
125.033 |
-67 |
1.133.549 |
3 |
Im Netz der Versuchung |
5 |
113.793 |
-65 |
5.764.296 |
6 |
Toy Story 4 |
6 |
112.408 |
--- |
112.408 |
1 |
The Wanting |
7 |
79.538 |
--- |
79.538 |
1 |
Dolcissime |
8 |
70.294 |
-68 |
383.382 |
2 |
Midsommar |
9 |
61.918 |
-72 |
909.198 |
3 |
The Current War |
10 |
48.586 |
--- |
48.586 |
1 |
Fighting With My Family |
1.651.322 |
-55 |
215.527.733 |
31 |
Wochenende 44: 1.11.2019 - 3.11.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
3.543.887 |
--- |
3.543.887 |
1 |
Die Addams Family |
2 |
2.925.239 |
--- |
2.925.239 |
1 |
Il giorno piu bello del mondo |
3 |
2.219.818 |
-9 |
10.570.597 |
3 |
Maleficent 2 |
4 |
2.209.379 |
+9 |
27.036.522 |
5 |
Joker |
5 |
1.196.790 |
--- |
1.251.975 |
1 |
L'umo del Labirinto |
6 |
1.118.764 |
--- |
1.118.764 |
1 |
Doctor Sleeps Erwachen |
7 |
898.105 |
--- |
898.105 |
1 |
Terminator - Dark Fate |
8 |
829.030 |
-29 |
2.369.067 |
2 |
Downton Abbey |
9 |
822.842 |
+8 |
1.822.995 |
2 |
Tutto il mio folle amore |
10 |
199.062 |
-29 |
566.504 |
2 |
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark |
15.962.557 |
+100 |
324.922.215 |
44 |
6: 8.2.2019 - 10.2.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
2.204.559 |
--- |
2.205.679 |
1 |
The Mule |
2 |
2.133.778 |
--- |
2.133.793 |
1 |
10 giorni senza mamma |
3 |
1.861.271 |
-41 |
5.522.345 |
2 |
Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht 3 |
4 |
1.338.701 |
-26 |
3.632.570 |
2 |
Green Book |
5 |
481.017 |
-68 |
6.896.229 |
3 |
Creed II |
6 |
479.931 |
-48 |
1.674.847 |
2 |
Il primo Re |
7 |
318.489 |
-64 |
5.446.858 |
4 |
Mia und der weiße Löwe |
8 |
280.831 |
-60 |
1.182.188 |
2 |
The Possession of Hannah Grace |
9 |
228.439 |
-65 |
2.376.471 |
3 |
The Favourite |
10 |
225.431 |
--- |
225.431 |
1 |
Remi |
9.552.447 |
-13 |
67.466.541 |
6 |
Wochenende 19: 10.5.2019 - 12.5.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
2.394.695 |
--- |
2.394.695 |
1 |
Pokémon |
2 |
1.353.823 |
-66 |
28.302.802 |
3 |
Avengers 4 |
3 |
591.188 |
--- |
591.188 |
1 |
Extremely Wicked |
4 |
564.046 |
--- |
564.673 |
1 |
Friedhof der Kuscheltiere |
5 |
451.198 |
-47 |
1.711.851 |
2 |
Stan & Ollie |
6 |
246.171 |
-60 |
4.800.206 |
4 |
Ma cosa ci dice il cervelle |
7 |
238.856 |
--- |
238.856 |
1 |
Geheimnis eines Lebens |
8 |
167.391 |
--- |
167.391 |
1 |
Il grande spirito |
9 |
165.013 |
-62 |
840.580 |
2 |
Hotel Mumbai |
10 |
80.746 |
--- |
80.746 |
1 |
Asche ist reines Weiß |
6.253.127 |
-10 |
163.115.023 |
19 |
Wochenende 32: 9.8.2019 - 11.8.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
1.991.292 |
--- |
2.331.275 |
1 |
Hobbs & Shaw |
2 |
231.760 |
--- |
363.595 |
1 |
Bring the Soul |
3 |
200.744 |
-46 |
11.149.931 |
4 |
Spider-Man 2 |
4 |
199.336 |
-53 |
2.246.673 |
3 |
Men in Black International |
5 |
85.861 |
--- |
85.861 |
1 |
Skelvet |
6 |
81.576 |
-28 |
5.905.712 |
7 |
Toy Story 4 |
7 |
65.301 |
-48 |
1.250.647 |
4 |
Im Netz der Versuchung |
8 |
59.877 |
-47 |
236.351 |
2 |
The Wanting |
9 |
49.771 |
-80 |
392.892 |
2 |
Hotel Artemis |
10 |
30.408 |
-62 |
152.624 |
2 |
Dolcissime |
2.995.926 |
+81 |
218.523.659 |
32 |
Wochenende 45: 8.11.2019 - 10.11.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
1.562.834 |
--- |
1.563.232 |
1 |
Hustlers |
2 |
1.278.948 |
-56 |
4.753.993 |
2 |
Il giorno piu bello del mondo |
3 |
1.150.218 |
-68 |
4.951.169 |
2 |
Die Addams Family |
4 |
741.646 |
-66 |
28.108.199 |
6 |
Joker |
5 |
692.702 |
-69 |
11.523.983 |
4 |
Maleficent 2 |
6 |
428.138 |
--- |
428.138 |
1 |
Gli uomini d'oro |
7 |
381.654 |
--- |
390.093 |
1 |
Parasite |
8 |
361.097 |
--- |
361.097 |
1 |
Motherless Brooklyn |
9 |
339.214 |
--- |
358.309 |
1 |
Die schönste Zeit unseres Lebens |
10 |
331.566 |
-72 |
1.749.145 |
2 |
L'umo del Labirinto |
7.268.017 |
-54 |
332.190.232 |
45 |
Wochenende 7: 15.2.2019 - 17.2.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
1.911.358 |
-10 |
4.465.950 |
2 |
10 giorni senza mamma |
2 |
1.444.229 |
-34 |
4.196.145 |
2 |
The Mule |
3 |
1.031.934 |
--- |
1.031.934 |
1 |
Alita |
4 |
975.369 |
-27 |
4.946.140 |
3 |
Green Book |
5 |
735.049 |
-61 |
6.512.405 |
3 |
Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht 3 |
6 |
575.610 |
--- |
644.974 |
1 |
La paranza dei bambini |
7 |
412.098 |
--- |
412.098 |
1 |
Royal Corgi |
8 |
375.963 |
--- |
375.963 |
1 |
Un'Avventura |
9 |
338.858 |
--- |
338.858 |
1 |
The Crucifixion |
10 |
181.940 |
-62 |
1.975.809 |
3 |
Il primo Re |
7.982.408 |
-16 |
75.448.949 |
7 |
Wochenende 20: 17.5.2019- 19.5.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
1.537.923 |
--- |
1.537.923 |
1 |
John Wick 3 |
2 |
1.391.215 |
-42 |
4.319.534 |
2 |
Pokémon |
3 |
1.103.335 |
--- |
1.103.335 |
1 |
Leid & Herrlichkeit |
4 |
866.173 |
--- |
866.173 |
1 |
Glam Girls |
5 |
647.204 |
-52 |
29.255.697 |
4 |
Avengers 4 |
6 |
390.324 |
-34 |
1.162.473 |
2 |
Extremely Wicked |
7 |
283.566 |
-50 |
1.008.785 |
2 |
Friedhof der Kuscheltiere |
8 |
193.107 |
-57 |
2.009.652 |
3 |
Stan & Ollie |
9 |
137.854 |
-42 |
431.521 |
2 |
Geheimnis eines Lebens |
10 |
122.596 |
--- |
122.596 |
1 |
Unknown User 2 |
6.673.297 |
+7 |
169.788.320 |
20 |
Wochenende 33: 16.8.2019 - 18.8.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
908.770 |
-54 |
4.173.752 |
2 |
Hobbs & Shaw |
2 |
307.855 |
--- |
307.855 |
1 |
Crawl |
3 |
167.045 |
-17 |
11.460.092 |
5 |
Spider-Man 2 |
4 |
166.235 |
-17 |
2.549.631 |
4 |
Men in Black International |
5 |
146.641 |
--- |
146.641 |
1 |
The Nest |
6 |
84.345 |
+3 |
6.057.858 |
8 |
Toy Story 4 |
7 |
53.903 |
-37 |
196.599 |
2 |
Skelvet |
8 |
47.075 |
-28 |
1.341.699 |
5 |
Im Netz der Versuchung |
9 |
39.089 |
--- |
39.089 |
1 |
Kin |
10 |
25.501 |
-57 |
307.243 |
3 |
The Wanting |
1.946.459 |
-35 |
220.470.118 |
33 |
Wochenende 46: 15.11.2019 - 17.11.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
1.246.126 |
--- |
1.246.126 |
1 |
Le Mans 66 |
2 |
1.154.956 |
-26 |
3.179.471 |
2 |
Hustlers |
3 |
812.442 |
--- |
812.442 |
1 |
Sono Solo Fantasmi |
4 |
684.455 |
-40 |
5.792.435 |
3 |
Die Addams Family |
5 |
629.747 |
-51 |
5.728.004 |
3 |
Il giorno piu bello del mondo |
6 |
476.666 |
-36 |
28.771.397 |
7 |
Joker |
7 |
449.492 |
+18 |
969.607 |
2 |
Parasite |
8 |
446.509 |
--- |
446.734 |
1 |
Zombieland 2 |
9 |
432.599 |
+28 |
871.765 |
2 |
Die schönste Zeit unseres Lebens |
10 |
395.891 |
-43 |
12.053.310 |
5 |
Maleficent 2 |
6.728.883 |
-7 |
338.919.115 |
46 |
Wochenende 8: 22.2.2019 - 24.2.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
1.141.929 |
-40 |
5.919.646 |
3 |
10 giorni senza mamma |
2 |
897.416 |
-38 |
5.417.820 |
3 |
The Mule |
3 |
857.557 |
--- |
857.557 |
1 |
The Lego Movie 2 |
4 |
782.358 |
--- |
782.358 |
1 |
Modalita aereo |
5 |
774.902 |
--- |
774.902 |
1 |
Hard Powder |
6 |
677.745 |
-31 |
5,846.462 |
4 |
Green Book |
7 |
515.008 |
-50 |
1.806.142 |
2 |
Alita |
8 |
431.737 |
-25 |
1.309.191 |
2 |
La paranza dei bambini |
9 |
341.554 |
-54 |
6.972.189 |
4 |
Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht 3 |
10 |
262.706 |
-36 |
742.102 |
2 |
Royal Corgi |
6.682.912 |
-16 |
82.031.861 |
8 |
Wochenende 21: 24.5.2019 - 26.5.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
5.639.710 |
--- |
6.390.817 |
1 |
Aladdin |
2 |
1.445.295 |
--- |
1.445.295 |
1 |
Il traditore |
3 |
711.200 |
-36 |
2.133.458 |
2 |
Leid & Herrlichkeit |
4 |
647.413 |
-58 |
2.591.945 |
2 |
John Wick 3 |
5 |
405.547 |
-53 |
1.445.124 |
2 |
Glam Girls |
6 |
401.066 |
-71 |
4.930.931 |
3 |
Pokémon |
7 |
253.424 |
--- |
253.424 |
1 |
Brightburn |
8 |
186.715 |
-71 |
29.563.651 |
5 |
Avengers 4 |
9 |
90.645 |
-77 |
1.325.566 |
3 |
Extremely Wicked |
10 |
56.360 |
--- |
86.829 |
1 |
Asbury Park |
9.837.375 |
+47 |
179.625.695 |
21 |
Wochenende 34: 23.8.2019 - 25.8.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
10.961.043 |
--- |
14.062.059 |
1 |
Der König der Löwen |
2 |
623.411 |
-31 |
5.266.666 |
3 |
Hobbs & Shaw |
3 |
422.054 |
--- |
426.586 |
1 |
Il Signor Diavolo |
4 |
190.994 |
-38 |
642.819 |
2 |
Crawl |
5 |
168.972 |
--- |
192.203 |
1 |
Booksmart |
6 |
103.344 |
-38 |
11.644.373 |
6 |
Spider-Man 2 |
7 |
100.017 |
-40 |
2.730.845 |
5 |
Men in Black International |
8 |
69.793 |
-52 |
296.884 |
2 |
The Net |
9 |
43.599 |
-48 |
6.143.669 |
9 |
Toy Story 4 |
10 |
26.673 |
--- |
29.299 |
1 |
L'ospite |
12.709.900 |
+553 |
233.180.018 |
34 |
Wochenende 47: 22.11.2019 - 24.11.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
2.479.935 |
--- |
2.479.935 |
1 |
Cette c'e, senzadubbiamente |
2 |
1.215.361 |
--- |
1.215.361 |
1 |
Intrige |
3 |
734.872 |
-41 |
2.326.931 |
2 |
Le Mans 66 |
4 |
577.262 |
-50 |
4.008.119 |
3 |
Hustlers |
5 |
385.253 |
--- |
385.253 |
1 |
Countdown |
6 |
379.465 |
-45 |
6.236.151 |
4 |
Die Addams Family |
7 |
325.788 |
--- |
325.908 |
1 |
Spirits in the Forest |
8 |
305.527 |
-62 |
1.282.931 |
2 |
Sono Solo Fantasmi |
9 |
295.914 |
-34 |
1.393.669 |
3 |
Parasite |
10 |
290.668 |
-54 |
6.178.732 |
4 |
Il giorno piu belio del mondo |
6.990.045 |
+4 |
345.909.160 |
47 |
9: 1.3.2019 - 3.3.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
1.667.053 |
--- |
1.670.283 |
1 |
Dragon Ball 20 |
2 |
1.084.075 |
+60 |
7.311.311 |
5 |
Green Book |
3 |
706.326 |
--- |
706.326 |
1 |
Domani e un altro Giorno |
4 |
553.931 |
--- |
554.335 |
1 |
Happy Deathday 2U |
5 |
551.831 |
-52 |
6.669.122 |
4 |
10 giorni senza mamma |
6 |
531.121 |
--- |
531.121 |
1 |
Croce e Delizia |
7 |
361.161 |
-58 |
1.360.984 |
2 |
The Lego Movie 2 |
8 |
359.824 |
-60 |
5.966.906 |
4 |
The Mule |
9 |
311.264 |
--- |
311.264 |
1 |
Prinz Charming |
10 |
284.567 |
-63 |
1.245.322 |
2 |
Hard Powder |
6.411.153 |
-4 |
88.443.014 |
9 |
Wochenende 22: 31.5.2019 - 2.6.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
2.804.243 |
-50 |
11.229.024 |
2 |
Aladdin |
2 |
1.014.666 |
--- |
1.014.766 |
1 |
Godzilla II |
3 |
930.937 |
-36 |
2.846.466 |
2 |
Il traditore |
4 |
602.661 |
--- |
706.724 |
1 |
Rocketman |
5 |
293.503 |
-59 |
2.624.718 |
3 |
Leid & Herrlichkeit |
6 |
228.856 |
-65 |
3.010.896 |
3 |
John Wick 3 |
7 |
128.715 |
-68 |
1.672.927 |
3 |
Glam Girls |
8 |
101.504 |
-75 |
5.131.421 |
4 |
Pokémon |
9 |
69.387 |
-73 |
409.894 |
2 |
Brightburn |
10 |
50.952 |
-73 |
29.677.900 |
6 |
Avengers 4 |
6.225.424 |
-37 |
185.851.119 |
22 |
Wochenende 35: 30.8.2019 - 1.9.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
6.356.788 |
-42 |
26.144.294 |
2 |
Der König der Löwen |
2 |
942.897 |
--- |
1.165.380 |
1 |
Angel Has Fallen |
3 |
314.383 |
-50 |
5.857.662 |
4 |
Hobbs & Shaw |
4 |
228.042 |
--- |
228.042 |
1 |
5 e il numero perfetto |
5 |
209.897 |
-50 |
816.188 |
2 |
Il Signor Diavolo |
6 |
156.505 |
--- |
161.445 |
1 |
Genitori quasi perfetti |
7 |
114.758 |
--- |
114.759 |
1 |
Blinded By the Light |
8 |
66.300 |
--- |
66.300 |
1 |
Teen Spirit |
9 |
56.338 |
-71 |
783.880 |
3 |
Crawl |
10 |
49.939 |
--- |
62.922 |
1 |
L'amour flou |
8.439.509 |
-34 |
241.619.527 |
35 |
Wochenende 48: 29.11.2019 - 1.12.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
6.899.793 |
--- |
7.674.953 |
1 |
Die Eiskönigin II |
2 |
1.240.438 |
--- |
1.240.438 |
1 |
A Rainy Day in New York |
3 |
1.115.563 |
-55 |
4.116.784 |
2 |
Cette c'e, senzadubbiamente |
4 |
721.369 |
-41 |
2.220.924 |
2 |
Intrige |
5 |
576.769 |
--- |
623.213 |
1 |
Midway |
6 |
281.102 |
-62 |
2.746.799 |
3 |
Le Mans 66 |
7 |
224.251 |
-61 |
4.328.009 |
4 |
Hustlers |
8 |
141.340 |
-52 |
1.604.607 |
4 |
Parasite |
9 |
136.807 |
--- |
136.807 |
1 |
Il peccato |
10 |
132.625 |
-66 |
591.433 |
2 |
Countdown |
11.470.057 |
+64 |
357.379.217 |
48 |
Wochenende 10: 8.3.2019 - 10.3.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
4.073.912 |
--- |
4.856.250 |
1 |
Captain Marvel |
2 |
742.848 |
-31 |
8.397.470 |
6 |
Green Book |
3 |
607.349 |
--- |
607.349 |
1 |
Monsieur Claude 2 |
4 |
455.175 |
-36 |
1.370.479 |
2 |
Domani e un altro Giorno |
5 |
340.104 |
--- |
340.104 |
1 |
Asterix 2 |
6 |
314.155 |
-43 |
7.147.333 |
5 |
10 giorni senza mamma |
7 |
286.188 |
-48 |
1.029.874 |
2 |
Happy Deathday 2U |
8 |
283.464 |
-9 |
739.969 |
2 |
Prinz Charming |
9 |
275.228 |
--- |
275.228 |
1 |
Les estivants |
10 |
275.022 |
-48 |
985.987 |
2 |
Croce e Delizia |
7.653.445 |
+19 |
96.096.459 |
10 |
23: 7.6.2019 - 9.6.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
1.034.245 |
--- |
1.035.639 |
1 |
Pets 2 |
2 |
1.002.333 |
-64 |
13.054.863 |
3 |
Aladdin |
3 |
913.018 |
--- |
913.018 |
1 |
Dark Phoenix |
4 |
459.874 |
-51 |
3.575.585 |
3 |
Il traditore |
5 |
391.592 |
-61 |
1.696.709 |
2 |
Godzilla II |
6 |
290.414 |
-52 |
1.217.986 |
2 |
Rocketman |
7 |
204.399 |
--- |
204.399 |
1 |
Polaroid |
8 |
141.551 |
--- |
141.551 |
1 |
A mano disarmata |
9 |
111.703 |
-62 |
2.819.645 |
4 |
Leid & Herrlichkeit |
10 |
44.341 |
-81 |
3.130.584 |
4 |
John Wick 3 |
4.593.470 |
-26 |
190.444.589 |
23 |
36: 6.9.2019 - 8.9.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
4.942.185 |
--- |
4.942.775 |
1 |
Es 2 |
2 |
3.625.311 |
-43 |
32.921.665 |
3 |
Der König der Löwen |
3 |
656.535 |
--- |
658.122 |
1 |
Mio fratello rincorre i dinosauri |
4 |
654.865 |
-31 |
2.209.637 |
2 |
Angel Has Fallen |
5 |
453.257 |
--- |
480.542 |
1 |
Martin Eden |
6 |
217.658 |
-31 |
6.218.180 |
5 |
Hobbs & Shaw |
7 |
117.540 |
-48 |
437.793 |
2 |
5 e il numero perfetto |
8 |
90.834 |
-57 |
990.630 |
3 |
Il Signor Diavolo |
9 |
72.809 |
-53 |
298.054 |
2 |
Genitori quasi perfetti |
10 |
40.244 |
-19 |
118.206 |
2 |
L'amour flou |
10.871.238 |
+120 |
252.490.765 |
36 |
Wochenende 49: 6.12.2019 - 8.12.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
3.501.900 |
-49 |
12.667.732 |
2 |
Die Eiskönigin II |
2 |
2.816.155 |
--- |
2.816.293 |
1 |
L'immortale |
3 |
1.200.045 |
--- |
1.200.045 |
1 |
Knives Out |
4 |
790.475 |
-36 |
2.367.670 |
2 |
A Rainy Day in New York |
5 |
389.119 |
-65 |
4.724.547 |
3 |
Cette c'e, senzadubbiamente |
6 |
291.914 |
--- |
291.914 |
1 |
The Good Liar |
7 |
279.152 |
-61 |
2.661.331 |
3 |
Intrige |
8 |
212.158 |
-63 |
991.098 |
2 |
Midway |
9 |
81.154 |
-43 |
1.724.503 |
5 |
Parasite |
10 |
78.476 |
--- |
79.259 |
1 |
Fahim |
9.640.548 |
-16 |
367.019.765 |
49 |
Wochenende 11: 15.3.2019 - 17.3.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
2.057.457 |
-49 |
7.793.984 |
2 |
Captain Marvel |
2 |
767.898 |
--- |
767.898 |
1 |
Momenti di trascurabile felicita |
3 |
747.864 |
--- |
747.864 |
1 |
Escape Room |
4 |
451.369 |
--- |
451.369 |
1 |
Die unglaublichen Abenteuer von Bella |
5 |
443.017 |
-40 |
9.010.953 |
7 |
Green Book |
6 |
347.728 |
-43 |
1.074.795 |
2 |
Monsieur Claude 2 |
7 |
264.814 |
--- |
264.814 |
1 |
Der verlorene Sohn |
8 |
161.059 |
-49 |
7.353.296 |
6 |
10 giorni senza mamma |
9 |
156.541 |
-45 |
935.987 |
3 |
Prinz Charming |
10 |
154.329 |
-66 |
1.622.273 |
3 |
Domani e un altro Giorno |
5.552.076 |
-27 |
101.648.535 |
11 |
Wochenende 24: 14.6.2019 - 16.6.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
654.625 |
-37 |
2.118.948 |
2 |
Pets 2 |
2 |
510.350 |
-44 |
1.802.634 |
2 |
Dark Phoenix |
3 |
505.854 |
-50 |
13.955.519 |
4 |
Aladdin |
4 |
248.201 |
-46 |
3.976.133 |
4 |
Il traditore |
5 |
230.338 |
--- |
230.338 |
1 |
The Dead Don't Die |
6 |
175.720 |
-55 |
2.010.400 |
3 |
Godzilla II |
7 |
148.767 |
--- |
148.767 |
1 |
Il grande salto |
8 |
123.552 |
-57 |
1.446.125 |
3 |
Rocketman |
9 |
119.310 |
-42 |
428.003 |
2 |
Polaroid |
10 |
70.976 |
-36 |
2.927.344 |
5 |
Leid & Herrlichkeit |
2.787.693 |
-39 |
193.232.282 |
24 |
Wochenende 37: 13.9.2019 - 15.9.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
1.447.353 |
-71 |
8.037.317 |
2 |
Es 2 |
2 |
1.275.084 |
-65 |
35.295.623 |
4 |
Der König der Löwen |
3 |
532.594 |
--- |
532.273 |
1 |
Tutta un'altra vita |
4 |
431.617 |
--- |
436.981 |
1 |
Angry Birds 2 |
5 |
362.994 |
-45 |
1.264.555 |
2 |
Mio fratello rincorre i dinosauri |
6 |
352.762 |
-22 |
1.035.503 |
2 |
Martin Eden |
7 |
266.211 |
-59 |
2.665.522 |
3 |
Angel Has Fallen |
8 |
102.155 |
--- |
102.155 |
1 |
Late Night |
9 |
60.624 |
--- |
60.624 |
1 |
Strange But True |
10 |
59.168 |
--- |
59.168 |
1 |
Kleine wahre Lügen 2 |
4.890.562 |
-55 |
257.381.327 |
37 |
Wochenende 50: 13.12.2019 - 15.12.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
3.142.556 |
--- |
3.142.947 |
1 |
Il primo Natale |
2 |
1.640.885 |
-53 |
14.959.715 |
3 |
Die Eiskönigin II |
3 |
1.114.347 |
-60 |
4.921.957 |
2 |
L'immortale |
4 |
1.024.962 |
-15 |
2.540.497 |
2 |
Knives Out |
5 |
395.421 |
-50 |
2.927.418 |
3 |
A Rainy Day in New York |
6 |
180.699 |
--- |
180.699 |
1 |
Bernadette |
7 |
151.002 |
-48 |
519.434 |
2 |
The Good Liar |
8 |
142.592 |
-63 |
4.938.190 |
4 |
Cette c'e, senzadubbiamente |
9 |
127.336 |
-54 |
2.846.884 |
4 |
Intrige |
10 |
87.260 |
-59 |
1.126.672 |
3 |
Midway |
8.007.060 |
-17 |
375.026.825 |
50 |
Wochenende 12: 22.3.2019 - 24.3.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
1.341.429 |
--- |
1.341.429 |
1 |
3 Schritte zu Dir |
2 |
847.085 |
-59 |
9.125.566 |
3 |
Captain Marvel |
3 |
625.932 |
--- |
625.932 |
1 |
Scappo a Casa |
4 |
455.450 |
--- |
455.450 |
1 |
Peppermint |
5 |
443.166 |
-42 |
1.386.825 |
2 |
Momenti di trascurabile felicita |
6 |
404.146 |
-46 |
1.363.062 |
2 |
Escape Room |
7 |
402.276 |
--- |
402.276 |
1 |
The Professor and the Madman |
8 |
306.112 |
--- |
306.255 |
1 |
My Hero Academia |
9 |
191.825 |
-57 |
9.312.995 |
8 |
Green Book |
10 |
169.590 |
-62 |
710.529 |
2 |
Die unglaublichen Abenteuer von Bella |
5.187.011 |
-7 |
106.835.546 |
12 |
Wochenende 25: 21.6.2019 - 23.6.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
515.483 |
--- |
516.567 |
1 |
The Professor |
2 |
478.575 |
-27 |
2.818.382 |
3 |
Pets 2 |
3 |
370.376 |
-27 |
14.510.941 |
5 |
Aladdin |
4 |
302.745 |
--- |
360.104 |
1 |
Child's Play |
5 |
283.069 |
-45 |
2.270.160 |
3 |
Dark Phoenix |
6 |
145.431 |
-41 |
4.200.775 |
5 |
Il traditore |
7 |
137.393 |
-40 |
471.340 |
2 |
The Dead Don't Die |
8 |
95.631 |
--- |
95.631 |
1 |
Stockholm |
9 |
91.005 |
-48 |
2.156.828 |
4 |
Godzilla II |
10 |
54.683 |
-63 |
248.089 |
2 |
Il grande salto |
2.474.391 |
-11 |
195.706.673 |
25 |
Wochenende 38: 20.9.2019 - 22.9.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
4.541.214 |
--- |
5.412.793 |
1 |
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood |
2 |
938.234 |
-26 |
36.557.053 |
5 |
Der König der Löwen |
3 |
591.374 |
-59 |
8.998.513 |
3 |
Es 2 |
4 |
544.901 |
--- |
1.609.394 |
1 |
Chiara Ferragni |
5 |
542.213 |
+2 |
1.223.077 |
2 |
Tutta un'altra vita |
6 |
432.220 |
+0 |
954.088 |
2 |
Angry Birds 2 |
7 |
360.854 |
-1 |
1.727.057 |
3 |
Mio fratello rincorre i dinosauri |
8 |
219.726 |
-38 |
1.355.471 |
3 |
Martin Eden |
9 |
166.144 |
-38 |
2.881.518 |
4 |
Angel Has Fallen |
10 |
111.517 |
+ |
6.319.687 |
13 |
Toy Story 4 |
8.448.397 |
+73 |
265.829.724 |
38 |
Wochenende 51: 20.12.2019 - 22.12.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
4.101.661 |
--- |
5.287.122 |
1 |
Star Wars IX |
2 |
2.655.261 |
--- |
2.655.261 |
1 |
Pinocchio |
3 |
2.069.550 |
-34 |
6.188.157 |
2 |
Il primo Natale |
4 |
1.420.479 |
--- |
1.420.479 |
1 |
La Dea Fortuna |
5 |
808.898 |
-51 |
16.093.671 |
4 |
Die Eiskönigin II |
6 |
662.070 |
--- |
662.070 |
1 |
Last Christmas |
7 |
469.084 |
-54 |
3.254.229 |
3 |
Knives Out |
8 |
307.188 |
-72 |
5.594.926 |
3 |
L'immortale |
9 |
104.818 |
--- |
1084.818 |
1 |
Paw Patrol |
10 |
89.708 |
--- |
90.939 |
1 |
Porträt einer jungen Frau in Flammen |
12.688.717 |
+58 |
387.715.542 |
51 |
Wochenende 13: 29.3.2019 - 31.3.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
3.336.162 |
--- |
3.336.162 |
1 |
Dumbo |
2 |
1.060.107 |
-21 |
2.792.591 |
2 |
3 Schritte zu Dir |
3 |
635.228 |
--- |
635.228 |
1 |
Bentornato Presidente |
4 |
338.521 |
-60 |
9.678.391 |
4 |
Captain Marvel |
5 |
288.773 |
-28 |
817.272 |
2 |
The Professor and the Madman |
6 |
260.315 |
--- |
260.315 |
1 |
The Prodigy |
7 |
214.137 |
-66 |
983.474 |
2 |
Scappo a Casa |
8 |
195.283 |
--- |
195.283 |
1 |
Die Berufung |
9 |
177.912 |
-61 |
767.843 |
2 |
Peppermint |
10 |
161.630 |
--- |
161.630 |
1 |
Captive State |
6.668.068 |
+29 |
113.503.614 |
13 |
Wochenende 26: 28.6.2019 - 30.6.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
1.596.577 |
--- |
2.025.040 |
1 |
Toy Story 4 |
2 |
263.174 |
-49 |
974.707 |
2 |
The Professor |
3 |
235.824 |
--- |
235.824 |
1 |
The White Crow |
4 |
173.899 |
-53 |
14.805.134 |
6 |
Aladdin |
5 |
172.227 |
-64 |
3.116.784 |
4 |
Pets 2 |
6 |
126.513 |
--- |
126.513 |
1 |
The Death & Life of John F. Donovan |
7 |
118.796 |
--- |
118.798 |
1 |
Le chant du loup |
8 |
116.271 |
-59 |
2.480.774 |
4 |
Dark Phoenix |
9 |
107.012 |
-65 |
585.286 |
2 |
Child's Play |
10 |
68.053 |
-53 |
4.314.260 |
6 |
Il traditore |
2.978.346 |
+20 |
198.685.019 |
26 |
Wochenende 39: 27.9.2019 - 29.9.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
2.154.427 |
-53 |
9.054.596 |
2 |
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood |
2 |
816.156 |
--- |
816.156 |
1 |
Ad Astra |
3 |
727.757 |
--- |
732.684 |
1 |
Rambo V |
4 |
472.787 |
--- |
472.787 |
1 |
Yesterday |
5 |
417.097 |
--- |
417.097 |
1 |
Dora & die goldene Stadt |
6 |
352.095 |
-62 |
37.101.566 |
6 |
Der König der Löwen |
7 |
301.667 |
--- |
303.942 |
1 |
Shaun das Schaf 2 |
8 |
248.543 |
--- |
248.895 |
1 |
Vivere |
9 |
199.517 |
-63 |
1.542.972 |
3 |
Tutta un'altra vita |
10 |
194.529 |
-67 |
9.345.205 |
4 |
Es 2 |
5.884.575 |
-30 |
271.714.299 |
39 |
Wochenende 52: 27.12.2019 - 29.12.2019
Nr. |
€ |
% |
Ges. |
Wo. |
Film |
1 |
5.335.838 |
+101 |
9.953.911 |
2 |
Pinocchio |
2 |
4.945.992 |
--- |
6.043.008 |
1 |
Jumanji 2 |
3 |
4.554.610 |
+120 |
12.492.914 |
3 |
Il primo Natale |
4 |
3.301.139 |
-20 |
10.463.501 |
2 |
Star Wars IX |
5 |
2.448.097 |
+72 |
4.627.053 |
2 |
La Dea Fortuna |
6 |
1.252.742 |
+55 |
17.809.859 |
5 |
Die Eiskönigin II |
7 |
896.591 |
+35 |
1.973.974 |
2 |
Last Christmas |
8 |
585.714 |
+25 |
4.119.002 |
4 |
Knives Out |
9 |
543.772 |
--- |
608.072 |
1 |
Spione Undercover |
10 |
193.702 |
-37 |
5.904.457 |
4 |
L'immortale |
24.058.197 |
+90 |
411.773.739 |
52 |