7.605.203 Fack Ju Göhte 2 |
14 |
7.223.233 |
2 |
6.918.671 Minions |
3 |
5.903.439 Spectre |
4 |
4.409.087 Fifty Shades of Grey |
5 |
4.185.282 Fast & Furious 7 |
6 |
4.140.163 Jurassic World |
7 |
3.310.302 Alles steht Kopf |
8 |
2.827.681 Mockingjay 2 |
9 |
2.422.324 Avengers 2 |
2.340.874 Er ist wieder da |
14 |
1.790.887 |
1 |
787.800 Minions |
2 |
676.936 Spectre |
630.740 Fack Ju Göhte 2 |
14 |
622.043 |
4 |
595.283 Fifty Shades of Grey |
5 |
545.917 Fast & Furious 7 |
6 |
427.293 Jurassic World |
7 |
347.857 Alles steht Kopf |
8 |
339.573 Mockingjay 2 |
9 |
312.215 Avengers 2 |
10 |
272.290 Mission: Impossible V |
14 |
257.082 |
1 |
888.391 Spectre |
2 |
639.491 Minions |
14 |
519.888 |
3 |
497.843 Fast & Furious 7 |
4 |
400.935 Fifty Shades of Grey |
5 |
355.923 Jurassic World |
296.153 Schellen-Ursli |
284.511 Fack Ju Göhte 2 |
8 |
252.206 Mockingjay 2 |
9 |
249.829 Alles steht Kopf |
10 |
225.824 Avengers 2 |
14 |
197.949 |
1 |
795.635 Spectre |
14 |
768.233 |
509.196 Klovn Forever |
3 |
490.136 Alles steht Kopf |
4 |
471.070 Jurassic World |
5 |
454.298 Minions |
6 |
386.876 Fifty Shades of Grey |
7 |
371.250 Fast & Furious 7 |
357.850 Maend og hons |
322.974 Min sosters born og
guldgraverne |
316.938 Sommeren '92 |
14 |
246.373 |
1 |
592.784 Spectre |
505.376 Luokkakokous |
14 |
500.469 |
3 |
403.615 Minions |
360.014 Napapiirin sankarit 2 |
315.934 Ricky Rapper V |
6 |
248.511 Alles steht Kopf |
7 |
225.269 Fast & Furious 7 |
224.433 Kätilö |
205.847 Onnelin ja Annelin talvi |
10 |
196.513 Jurassic World |
14 |
141.774 |
831.121 Bolgen |
2 |
645.861 Spectre |
14 |
583.931 |
3 |
457.134 Minions |
4 |
423.699 Fast & Furious 7 |
5 |
411.991 Jurassic World |
6 |
321.548 Fifty Shades of Grey |
7 |
285.030 Alles steht Kopf |
249.802 Karsten og Petra V |
9 |
240.824 Avengers 2 |
14 |
225.681 |
235.239 Doktor Proktor 2 |
14 |
975.001 |
1 |
652.935 Minions |
2 |
595.991 Jurassic World |
3 |
524.952 Fifty Shades of Grey |
4 |
439.444 Fast & Furious 7 |
5 |
437.552 Alles steht Kopf |
6 |
344.441 Avengers 2 |
7 |
307.322 Paddington |
8 |
302.713 Baymax |
14 |
295.078 |
9 |
267.219 Der Marsianer |
249.360 Wie auf Erden |
90.634.770 Spectre |
2 |
64.200.000 Jurassic World |
48.334.257 Avengers 2 |
4 |
47.091.449 Minions |
14 |
40.900.786 |
5 |
39.114.257 Alles steht Kopf |
6 |
38.385.021 Fast & Furious 7 |
7 |
34.662.255 Fifty Shades of Grey |
8 |
25.092.083 Home |
14 |
23.642.745 |
9 |
23.321.491 Mockingjay 2 |
10 |
23.321.249 Der Marsianer |
1 |
4.434.137 Spectre |
2 |
4.253.423 Minions |
3 |
4.184.382 Jurassic World |
14 |
3.758.406 |
4 |
3.404.964 Alles steht Kopf |
5 |
Avengers 2 |
6 |
2.718.538 Fast
& Furious 7 |
7 |
2.641.985 Fifty Shades of Grey |
2.385.577 Brooklyn |
9 |
2.064.673 Hotel Transsilvanien 2 |
10 |
2.035.469 Der Marsianer |
14 |
2.018.467 |
14 |
16.913.000 |
1 |
15.926.160 Spectre |
2 |
13.079.127 Minions |
3 |
9.950.991 Jurassic World |
4 |
8.421.000 Fast & Furious 7 |
5 |
6.391.000 Fifty Shades of Grey |
5.896.503 Michiel de Ruyter |
7 |
5.213.769 Alles steht Kopf |
8 |
4.991.000 Avengers 2 |
9 |
4.675.893 Mockingjay 2 |
14 |
4.017.635 |
10 |
3.854.490 Mission: Impossible V |
14 |
? |
1 |
8.233.595 Minions |
2 |
7.514.893 Jurassic World |
4 |
5.775.044 Spectre |
3 |
5.748.203 Fast & Furious 7 |
5 |
5.057.999 Fifty Shades of Grey |
4.255.843 FC De Kampioenen 2 |
7 |
3.881.781 Alles steht Kopf |
8 |
3.059.498 Avengers 2 |
9 |
2.830.855 Maze Runner 2 |
10 |
2.806.725 Mockingjay 2 |
14 |
? |
14 |
12.353.181 |
1 |
6.401.791 Minions |
2 |
5.123.699 Jurassic World |
3 |
4.556.574 Fast & Furious 7 |
4 |
4.458.065 Alles steht Kopf |
4.362.560 Les nouvelles aventures
d'Aladin |
6 |
4.326.331 Avengers 2 |
7 |
4.178.522 Spectre |
8 |
4.043.310 Fifty Shades of Grey |
3.489.537 Les Profs 2 |
14 |
3.228.348 |
10 |
3.128.602 American Sniper |
1 |
4.051.274 Alles steht Kopf |
2 |
3.566.440 Minions |
3 |
2.831.915 Fifty Shades of Grey |
4 |
2.814.344 American Sniper |
5 |
2.695.520 Fast & Furious 7 |
6 |
2.415.556 Cinderella |
2.353.242 Si Accettano Miracoli |
8 |
2.309.064 Avengers 2 |
14 |
2.173.206 |
9 |
2.102.371 Jurassic World |
10 |
1.770.819 Spectre |
14 |
1.335.891 |
14 |
55.319.358 |
24.596.470 8 Apellidos
Catalanes |
2 |
24.400.000 Minions |
3 |
22.200.000 Jurassic World |
4 |
21.322.201 Alles steht Kopf |
5 |
19.730.908 Fifty Shades of Grey |
6 |
13.544.377 Fast & Furious 7 |
7 |
12.027.259 Avengers 2 |
11.100.000 Capture the
Flag |
9 |
11.042.623 Der Marsianer |
10.411.199 Perdiendo el norte |
14 |
8.992.276 |
1 |
936.507 Minions |
2 |
832.438 Fast & Furious 7 |
603.739 O pátio das cantigas |
4 |
501.439 Fifty Shades of Grey |
5 |
440.850 Alles steht Kopf |
6 |
402.116 Spectre |
14 |
356.162 |
7 |
328.691 Jurassic World |
8 |
324.073 Mission: Impossible V |
9 |
260.487 Avengers 2 |
10 |
230.697 Mockingjay 2 |
14 |
217.624 |
3 |
444.415 Spectre |
14 |
420.987 |
1 |
368.755 Fast & Furious 7 |
2 |
364.504 Fifty Shades of Grey |
4 |
279.440 Alles steht Kopf |
5 |
262.698 Minions |
6 |
220.520 Avengers 2 |
7 |
177.204 The Imitation Game |
8 |
172.526 Jurassic World |
9 |
168.692 Spongebob Schwammkopf |
10 |
166.777 96 Hours 3 |
14 |
135.660 |
1 |
780.383 Minions |
14 |
661.378 |
2 |
527.453 Fifty Shades of Grey |
3 |
382.053 Spectre |
4 |
331.443 Jurassic World |
5 |
327.674 Avengers 2 |
6 |
309.877 Hotel Transsilvanien 2 |
7 |
296.886 Fast & Furious 7 |
8 |
271.618 Der Marsianer |
9 |
270.641 Alles steht Kopf |
10 |
248.533 Spongebob Schwammkopf |
14 |
216.155 |
1 |
352.377 Minions |
2 |
238.561 Fifty Shades of Grey |
14 |
177.216 |
3 |
151.237 Hotel Transsilvanien 2 |
4 |
141.555 Spectre |
5 |
138.750 Fast & Furious 7 |
6 |
119.979 Alles steht Kopf |
7 |
110.601 Jurassic World |
8 |
92.882 Mockingjay 2 |
9 |
90.044 Avengers 2 |
14 |
82.163 |
80.459 RYTMUS sidliskovy sen |
2.301.302 Listy do M 2 |
14 |
2.200.259 |
2 |
1.814.000 Fifty Shades of Grey |
3 |
1.665.000 Minions |
4 |
1.638.060 Spectre |
5 |
1.633.000 Die Pinguine aus
Madagascar |
6 |
1.113.137 Hotel Transsilvanien 2 |
7 |
995.000 Fast & Furious 7 |
8 |
897.563 Alles steht Kopf |
876.729 Disco Polo |
769.711 Wkreceni 2 |
14 |
751.307 |
1 |
147.668 Minions |
2 |
136.975 Fifty Shades of Grey |
3 |
111.904 Fast & Furious 7 |
4 |
75.154 Spectre |
14 |
66.765 |
5 |
62.998 Hotel Transsilvanien 2 |
6 |
61.359 Jurassic World |
7 |
43.888 Terminator 5 |
8 |
41.510 Everest |
9 |
41.049 Spongebob Schwammkopf |
10 |
36.868 Shaun das Schaf |
14 |
31.700 |
1 |
724.663 Minions |
2 |
469.568 Jurassic World |
14 |
415.459 |
3 |
400.321 Fast & Furious 7 |
4 |
374.045 Avengers 2 |
5 |
367.740 Fifty Shades of Grey |
6 |
298.294 Der Marsianer |
7 |
294.530 Hotel Transsilvanien 2 |
8 |
265.290 96 Hours 3 |
9 |
257.751 Alles steht Kopf |
10 |
250.467 Spy |
14 |
201.236 |
1 |
651.206 Fast & Furious 7 |
14 |
526.702 |
2 |
433.832 Minions |
3 |
317.247 Fifty Shades of Grey |
4 |
314.609 Spectre |
5 |
233.409 Avengers 2 |
6 |
231.959 Jurassic World |
7 |
216.661 Hotel Transsilvanien 2 |
8 |
198.476 Der Marsianer |
9 |
197.785 96 Hours 3 |
14 |
180.637 |
10 |
179.570 Mission: Impossible V |
1 |
341.763 Fast & Furious 7 |
2 |
263.366 Minions |
14 |
234.952 |
3 |
183.608 Fifty Shades of Grey |
4 |
158.757 Hotel Transsylvanien 2 |
5 |
142.017 Jurassic World |
6 |
136.881 Spectre |
7 |
132.223 Alles steht Kopf |
14 |
125.436 |
8 |
115.119 Avengers 2 |
9 |
109.613 Mission: Impossible V |
10 |
101.061 Spongebob Schwammkopf |
14 |
292.654 |
1 |
239.490 Minions |
172.475 Nepatyres |
3 |
124.849 Fifty Shades of Grey |
4 |
116.720 Hotel Transsilvanien 2 |
5 |
112.590 Fast & Furious 7 |
99.890 Traukinio apiplesimas |
7 |
79.645 Alles steht Kopf |
8 |
68.997 Der Marsianer |
9 |
68.109 Spectre |
10 |
67.262 Spongebob Schwammkopf |
14 |
62.662 |
1 |
861.038 Minions |
14 |
849.577 |
2 |
848.596 Fast & Furious 7 |
3 |
830.678 Hotel Transsilvanien 2 |
4 |
751.513 Fifty Shades of Grey |
5 |
636.377 Avengers 2 |
6 |
614.410 Jurassic World |
7 |
527.196 Der Marsianer |
8 |
525.147 8 New Visits |
9 |
523.340 Spectre |
14 |
510.697 |
10 |
487.321 Terminator 5 |
1 |
8.404.116 Minions |
2 |
6.243.528 Fast & Furious 7 |
3 |
6.013.049 Avengers 2 |
14 |
5.638.310 |
4 |
5.087.614 Hotel Transsilvanien 2 |
5 |
5.005.594 Alles steht Kopf |
6 |
4.986.596 Jurassic World |
7 |
4.347.936 Terminator 5 |
14 |
4.336.803 |
8 |
4..313.499 Der Marsianer |
9 |
4.172.499 Home |
10 |
4.154.248 Fifty Shades of Grey |
14 |
7.369.098 |
3.737.605 Mucize - Wunder |
2 |
2.960.487 Fast & Furious 7 |
1.930.677 Kocan Kadar Konus |
1.690.190 Ali Baba ve 7 Cüceler |
1.683.497 Selam |
1.576.979 Bana Masal Anlatma |
1.406.620 Ask Sana Benzer |
1.380.122 Dügün Dernek 2 |
14 |
1.378.517 |
9 |
1.284.365 Avengers 2 |
1.014.630 Yapisik Kardesler |
14 |
3.242,7 Mio. |
3.167,9 Mio. Bajrangi Bhaijaan |
1.871,0 Mio. Prem Ratan Dhan Payo |
1.510,9 Mio. Tanu Weds Manu Returns |
1.109,4 Mio. Bahubali |
1.043,3 Mio. ABCD2 |
6 |
979,0 Mio. Fast & Furious 7 |
938,6 Mio. Welcome Back |
788,7 Mio. Brothers |
787,7 Mio. Gabbar Is Back |
787,7 Mio. Baby |
14 |
752,3 Mio. |
65.563.022 Monster Hunt |
2 |
62.447.888 Fast & Furious 7 |
48.990.635 Lost in Hongkong |
14 |
46.983.545 |
44.539.577 Goodbye Mr. Loser |
5 |
37.080.095 Jurassic World |
6 |
36.588.027 Avengers 2 |
35.386.731 Jian Bing Man |
27.364.818 Monkey King 2 |
9 |
26.515.378 Mission: Impossible V |
24.378.232 The Man from Macau 2 |
14 |
19.168.745 |
1 |
133.000.000 Avengers 2 |
14 |
98.200.000 |
2 |
96.059.660 Jurassic World |
3 |
77.009.591 Minions |
4 |
65.638.845 Alles steht Kopf |
5 |
59.600.000 Fast & Furious 7 |
6 |
50.949.330 Mission: Impossible V |
7 |
49.657.424 Ant-Man |
8 |
46.900.000 Stand By Me Doraemon |
46.600.000 Little Big Master |
43.939.366 Our Times |
14 |
33.600.000 |
14 |
17.613.217 |
13.413.640 Veteran |
12.704.730 Assassination |
3 |
10.494.499 Avengers 2 |
6.245.938 The Throne |
5 |
6.129.681 Kingsman |
6 |
6.126.488 Mission: Impossible V |
6.043.784 Northern Limit Line |
8 |
5.546.792 Jurassic World |
5.176.571 The Priests |
10 |
4.969.425 Alles steht Kopf |
14 |
4.697.209 |
14 |
20.030.000 |
1 |
6.170.000 Jurassic World |
4.540.000 The Boy & the Beast |
3 |
4.460.000 Cinderella |
4 |
4.250.000 Minions |
5 |
3.880.000 Mission: Impossible V |
3.610.000 Hero 2 |
3.570.000 Detective Conan 19 |
3.480.000 Doraemon 36 |
9 |
3.370.000 Alles steht Kopf |
2.810.000 Dragonball Z 19 |
14 |
2.810.000 |
1 |
52.760.968 Jurassic World |
2 |
43.265.325 Fast & Furious 7 |
3 |
40.114.194 Avengers 2 |
14 |
34.782.404 |
4 |
32.685.620 Minions |
5 |
31.043.550 Alles steht Kopf |
6 |
29.137.225 Spectre |
7 |
28.088.703 Pitch Perfect 2 |
8 |
27.119.673 Der Marsianer |
9 |
23.639.386 Fifty Shades of Grey |
14 |
22.489.177 |
10 |
22.352.770 Mockingjay 2 |
1 |
8.251.344 Fast & Furious 7 |
14 |
8.076.390 |
2 |
7.777.697 Jurassic World |
3 |
6.887.066 Avengers 2 |
4 |
6.092.432 Minions |
5 |
5.044.566 Spectre |
6 |
4.934.711 Alles steht Kopf |
7 |
4.797.067 Pitch Perfect 2 |
8 |
3.964.357 Mockingjay 2 |
9 |
3.921.838 Der Marsianer |
10 |
3.801.599 Mad Max 4 |
14 |
3.209.525 |
1 |
10.128.807 Avengers 2 |
2 |
9.857.946 Fast & Furious 7 |
3 |
9.104.541 Minions |
4 |
6.686.086 Fifty Shades of Grey |
5 |
6.354.795 Jurassic World |
14 |
6.181.584 |
6 |
4.199.697 Cinderella |
14 |
4.103.629 |
7 |
3.775.482 Alles steht Kopf |
3.770.455 Loucas pra Casar |
9 |
3.720.566 Spongebob Schwammkopf |
10 |
3.395.183 Mockingjay 2 |
1 |
4.941.295 Minions |
14 |
3.933.353 |
2 |
3.357.317 Fast & Furious 7 |
3 |
2.872.631 Alles steht Kopf |
2.613.461 Der Clan |
5 |
2.022.422 Jurassic World |
6 |
1.874.288 Avengers 2 |
7 |
1.352.727 Hotel Transsylvanien 2 |
8 |
1.247.207 Fifty Shades of Grey |
9 |
1.030.116 Pixels |
10 |
977.445 San Andreas |
14 |
926.621 |
14 |
? |
1 |
314.124 Avengers 2 |
2 |
290.920 Fast & Furious 7 |
3 |
213.902 Minions |
4 |
209.575 Jurassic World |
5 |
207.546 Hotel Transsylvanien 2 |
6 |
181.071 San Andreas |
7 |
143.289 Alles steht Kopf |
8 |
105.620 Pixels |
9 |
91.458 Terminator 5 |
10 |
88.254 Spongebob Schwammkopf |
14 |
? |
14 |
? |
1 |
151.554 Fast & Furious 7 |
2 |
125.748 Minions |
3 |
78.077 Avengers 2 |
4 |
68.286 Fifty Shades of Grey |
5 |
63.003 Jurassic World |
6 |
59.908 Alles steht Kopf |
7 |
44.010 Baymax |
8 |
25.304 Dragon Ball Z |
9 |
23.592 Cinderella |
10 |
21.711 Hotel Transsilvanien 2 |
14 |
? |
14 |
? |
2.554.201 Asu Mare 2 |
2 |
1.570.021 Fast & Furious 7 |
3 |
1.460.199 Avengers 2 |
4 |
1.015.254 Minions |
5 |
893.007 San Andreas |
6 |
851.295 Hotel Transsilvanien 2 |
7 |
786.699 Jurassic World |
8 |
751.089 Spongebob Schwammkopf |
9 |
697.210 Die Pinguine aus Madagascar |
10 |
694.239 Alles steht Kopf |
14 |
? |
14 |
? |
1 |
283.530 Minons |
2 |
198.286 Fast & Furious 7 |
3 |
162.107 Alles steht Kopf |
4 |
128.845 Jurassic World |
5 |
98.052 Der Clan |
6 |
92.201 Hotel Transsilvanien 2 |
7 |
88.890 Fifty Shades of Grey |
8 |
77.046 Monsieur Claude und seine
Töchter |
9 |
73.651 Avengers 2 |
10 |
70.156 San Andreas |
14 |
? |
1 |
1.595.091 Fast & Furious 7 |
2 |
1.154.685 Minions |
14 |
1.044.200 |
3 |
875.777 Avengers 2 |
4 |
854.996 Alles steht Kopf |
5 |
685.716 Fifty Shades of Grey |
14 |
670.401 |
593.772 69 Tage Hoffnung |
7 |
576.823 San Andreas |
8 |
531.519 Die Pinguine aus Madagascar |
9 |
530.301 Hotel Transsilvanien 2 |
10 |
529.990 Jurassic World |
1 |
4.374.559 Fast & Furious 7 |
2 |
3.141.292 Minions |
3 |
2.481.069 Avengers 2 |
2.361.663 Colombia Magia Salvaje |
5 |
2.315.144 Alles steht Kopf |
14 |
2.152.154 |
6 |
2.019.570 Hotel Transsylvanien 2 |
7 |
1.856.487 San Andreas |
8 |
1.637.318 Jurassic World |
9 |
1.329.239 Fifty Shades of Grey |
10 |
1.254.464 Terminator 5 |
14 |
1.223.580 |
1 |
16.075.304 Minions |
2 |
15.731.247 Avengers 2 |
3 |
15.530.417 Fast & Furious 7 |
4 |
13.783.464 Jurassic World |
14 |
12.044.686 |
5 |
10.736.086 Alles steht Kopf |
7 |
9.729.348 Hotel Transsylvanien 2 |
7 |
9.512.009 San Andreas |
14 |
6.023.292 |
8 |
5.880.964 Mockingjay 2 |
9 |
5.461.794 Spongebob Schwammkopf |
10 |
5.076.844 Cinderella |
1 |
652.270.625 Jurassic World |
2 |
459.029..868 Avengers 2 |
3 |
356.461.711 Alles steht Kopf |
4 |
353.125.507 Fast & Furious 7 |
14 |
350.126.372 |
5 |
335.968.155 Minions |
6 |
233.190.956 Mockingjay 2 |
14 |
222.527.828 |
7 |
221.400.035 Der Marsianer |
8 |
201.151.353 Cinderella |
9 |
195.257.225 Mission: Impossible V |
10 |
186.767.660 Spectre |